international sister's day series
Suzy Eskander & Sally Crinis
In celebration of International Sisters Day on August 4th, we have teamed up with Suzy Eskander and Sally Crinis to share their funniest sisterhood memories and take on friendship, which has always been marked by their shared sense of style and uncanny fashion synchronicity.

“ I am so lucky to have a sister who I can steal her wardrobe but also assist with life and who’s always by my side”.
- Suzy Eskander.

“I am really lucky to have a sister like Suzy who is great at fashion and gives me all the styling tips”
- Sally Crinis.
Learning vulnerability, sharing secrets, and respecting boundaries equip you with the tools to forge friendships throughout life's stages. A sister, however, gives you a head start. She understands your journey intimately, empathizing with your instincts and intuition. Your sister may be a lifelong friend who's seen you grow, a university confidante navigating adulthood's turbulence, or a sister-in-law who embraces your quirks like family, sisters offer a unique bond that spans a lifetime.